The most Beautiful Place in Ireland?

Explore this amazing Peninsula

Our time here in Dingle was so jam packed we had to split one week’s worth of footage over two vlogs. You join us where we left off last weeks vlog and we continue to explore this amazing peninsula.
With our two week stay at Harriet’s Cottage, a beautiful home in Dingle town, coming to an end, we realise we have been neglecting some of our van chores, and so with a desire to prevent history repeating we head off in search of gas. We find a merchants (MacEoin’s General Merchants Ltd.) who sort us out with two fresh tanks of gas, enough to keep us going for some time. With the gas sorted we head off to explore more of the Dingle Peninsula. We head to the north side where we find Fermoyle Strand a long expanse of sand where surfers ride waves beside the mountains. Isabel decides to gather the drift wood in hopes of a fire, but we decide it is too early and head off. We drive the length of the bay and stop at the far end, Stradbally beach, the surf is much messier here and we are the only people here on the shore. Tom relaxes, listening to the sound of the waves, while Isabel gets back to her wrecking.
The beach is cleared of anything that might burn and the flotsam is piled into the back of the van. Deciding to turn our day of adventuring into a loop back to Dingle town we head in the direction of Glanteenassig Forest Park. Nestled in among the peaks that span the central spine of this little spit of land we find a forested lough. We spend the afternoon wandering around the waters on a board walk that encloses it. We stop for coffee that we brew on our new camping stove that we bought from the gas merchant and head back to the van. Our next destination Inch beach, a strand that forms a smaller peninsula off of the dingle peninsular. We watch the distant mountains that make up the ring of Kerry over the water as the light fades. Isabel’s foraged wood stores make another appearance and we light a small fire on the beach.
The next day following 3 jam packed days of adventuring (Last weeks vlog was the two days preceding this vlog) we decide to slow down. Tom edits a vlog for you to enjoy and we make the van hospitable again ready for our return.
Credit to : Lost In Transit