𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗧𝗡𝗔𝗠 – The Pros And Cons Of Living Or Retiring In Vietnam
Whenever we travel to a country such as Vietnam, we are contantly evaluating the possibility of living long-term in the country. Vietnam has many fabulous features that would make it fabulous place to live, but there are also some downsides. If you are considering a move to Vietnam for retirement or to live as an expat then you’ll want to check out this video.
0:25 Driving
1:35 Pollution
2:15 The Food
3:08 The Cost Of Living
4:12 Immigration
4:50 Communication
5:32 Noise
5:52 The Trains
6:29 The People
7:12 The Beaches
7:55 Safety
8:17 The Weather
8:50 Health Care
Credit to : Snail Travelers